Opening hours: May 24, 2013 // 19.30 p.m. – 03.00 a.m.
The exhibition remains open until June 10 and can be visited by appointment on weekends.
Sos. Morarilor 1, within Romanian Postavaria, sector 2, Bucharest
Tiger.Watermelon is a site-specific installation including paintings, objects and video art.
Few works of art have the chance to be isolated from a certain context, to which the audience still owes a thorough and complete understanding. Probably that is why thematic exhibitions have become a mandatory subject, both in terms of contemporary art and the museum art. The approach of a contemporary art exhibition is always programmatic, often issued from a general idea that develops into an illustrative installation to justify a certain compliance.
Tiger.Watermelon project, with its neo-Dadaist allure, restores a context using the reason in the absence of specific topic. Artists with different backgrounds bring together their works incidentally, creating an occurrence that reveals a special frame of connections between their personal artistic training.Tiger.Watermelon also states a strategic humor based on predictability of connections which make the exhibition feel like an easy labyrinth to search through, provided with some traps though. In this way are queried the resorts, the methods and the common areas that are specific for a certain practice in artistic promotion, as well as for communication of art galleries and museums with the public, behind a hidden game.
Silvia COSTIN born in 1980, studied painting at the University of Art and Design, Cluj; lives in Bucharest
„I’ve always been attracted to physical and cultural differences between people, although perhaps a little faded by a kind of common decency. It is also interesting to note in the same view the instability of such terms like exotic most commonly associated with other continents than Europe.”
Suzana DAN born in 1976, studied painting at the National University of Arts , Bucharest; lives in Bucharest
Sleep tight tiger
Sleep tight tiger – sweet dreams till tomorrow
Sleep tight tiger
I love you love you first thing in the morning
The day time the night time when the angels are calling
They whisper in the top of my tongue
a tiny little worlds that tickles your ear drum
Sleep tight tiger
Sleep tight tiger – sweet dreams till tomorrow
Sleep tight tiger
Sleep tight tiger sweet dreams till tomorrow
I’ll be teardrop in your pillow the beautiful sorrow
I love you like I do in the noon
I am the shadow on your skin and I’ll be gone very soon
Husky Rescue – Sleep Tight Tiger
Luca ISTODOR is a student at the College ‘St. Sava’ in Bucharest, 10th grade. He’s passionate about film, directed five short films. He participated as a jury member of two film festivals. He likes Lars Von Trier, The Doors, Ionesco.
“Free Cut is the revolt against the formalities and the conventional of two people. They destroy the coommon objects that we see and use everyday. They become free.”
Hermes LUACES Born in 1975, he studied composition at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid and Universidad Autónomas. He is one of the most acclaimed young composers of contemporary music. His works are internationally recognized. Among other important distinctions, he obtained Reina Sofía International Award in 2011 for his work Agujeros Negros (Black Holes).
“I’m a Spanish composer living in Madrid. I have had the pleasure of being involved in this interesting project by Bogdan Teodorescu. For this matter I have composed a short electronic piece in order to be played during the performance that will take place under the name of Tiger Watermelon. This piece pretends to evoque a post industrial world primitive and modern, brutal and sophisticated at the same time. The repetitive rhythms of the music reminds a kind of ritual in which this ordinary fruit will be a singular totem.”
Juan de Dios MARFIL born 1976, studied animation at FAMU (Film and Television University) in Prague and obtained a Master’s degree in ethnomusicology at the University of Maryland, USA; lives in Granada.
He is best known for the animated short film Homeland (2009), for which he was rewarded with several awards in international film festivals. His works are delicate and surprising, coupled with an appealing ambiguity.
Bogdan TEODORESCU born 1980, studied ceramics at the University of Art and Design, Cluj; lives in Bucharest.
“After a long period of denial, art seems to reaffirm itself even more strongly and in a glamorous style. Under the pressure of competitions, auctions and fairs, style almost becomes what is called visual identity or brand in advertising. Of course, it is risky and superficial to say that art returned to products. I think, however, that is one of the most challenging times. I’m most interested in how artists become convinced of changes.”

Juan de Dios MARFIL – Tiger Watermelon

Suzana DAN – Opampogyakyena Shinoshinonkarintsi
(sadness is looking at me) – Detail

Silvia COSTIN – Detail

Luca ISTODOR – Free Cut!

Bogdan TEODORESCU – Detail