The Water Tower of Pantelimon becomes The Art Tower
Aug – Dec 2012
Sos. Morarilor nr. 1
Monday, the 20th of August 2012, Make a Point launched the Art Tower project.
The water tower of the industrial site „Postavaria Romana”, situated on the same premises as Make a Point, will be transformed from an old relic (but one that is perpetually visible to the inhabitants of Pantelimon), into a landmark of the neighborhood.
In the upcoming months, a spiraled staircase will be built around the tower, which will confer to its visitors a 30 meters-high view of the city. The actual water tank, situated at the top of the tower, will be the subject of a contest for inspired visual artists. The works that enter the competition will be judged by the citizens of Bucharest themselves, after which the piece deemed most popular will be applied to the water tank.
Thirty seven meters high (the last, 6 meters high segment, being used exclusively for the work), the water tower will be transformed into a touristic and cultural landmark, one that will host art exhibitions and other events catered to the citizens of Sector 2 and beyond. The project is being developed with the support of ING Bank Romania.
Future plans for the Water Tower:
¬Call for artists (deadline 25th of September 2012, 11 a.m.)
¬Polls in the neighborhood to determine the most popular work
¬The rehabilitation of the tower and its transformation into an art gallery
¬Film screenings
The inauguration of the Water Tower will happen on the very night between 2012 and 2013. Now you know where you could spend your New Year’s Eve!

Turn de apă – simulare.

Turn de apă – Revelion 2013

Project made possible with the support of ING

Cultural project financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund
