Uriasi de Pantelimon - Giants of Pantelimon - detail

Program: Giants of Pantelimon, October 13th to 15th 2017

The first street art exhibition on rooftops in the world opens on the 13th of October in Pantelimon, Romania. Three days of gigantic art on the roofs, live art, talks, movie screenings, workshops, performances, lives music and much more.

From all over the world we invited to Pantelimon for this community art project: Ella & Pitr (France), the creators of gigantic roof paintings, Moose (UK), the artist who invented reverse graffiti, Martha Cooper (USA), who will convince the skeptics through her photography how big the impact of street art really is, Victor Ash (Denmark), the creator of iconic pieces of wall from his anti-apartheid mural of the 80s to the kosmonaut in Berlin.

The winners of this year’s Call for Artists are: TOM (Sorina Tomuleţiu), Robert Obert, Nomado, Nada Krstajić and Cristiana Comănici, they will paint the neighborhood stories at Giants of Pantelimon Street Art Days (Zilele Uriasi de Pantelimon)! Read the stories that inspired the artists or, even better, read all the strories!

Carmen Nistor ( Germany) will offer a free class of calligraphy, and because Biancoshock (Italy) this August enjoyed staying with us in Bucharest, he will come again and surprise us with a new installation.

Come to see artworks on the roofs and vote your favorite at Giants of Pantelimon Street Art Days, 13th to 15th of October 2017 at Make a Point and discover the urban art by Romanian and international artists on the roofs of Pantelimon! Find out more on our Facebook page.

#uriasidepantelimon    #giantsofpantelimon


About Make a Point

Make a Point looks back on 10 years of experience in reconverting and reinventing industrial spaces, cultural intervention, as well as starting art projects in a place where the access to culture is limited by the lack of public infrastructure. At the begginings of Make a Point association stand the rehabilitation and transformation of a former industrial space into a cultural center. A former section of a textile factory became a modern exhibition space as well as projection space, and community library. In one of our last big projects, we transformed the old water tower of the factory into an unique art installation, at the same time keeping its utility and functionality.


About Giants of Pantelimon

Giants of Pantelimon is a community art project by Madalina Rosca and Paul Arne Wagner, starting in 2016 with a pilot featuring the first painting on a factory roof in Bucharest. In the spring of 2017, the project continued with Andreea Dragan’s neighborhood story hunt followed by the international call for artists. Giants of Pantelimon Street Art Days will be the climax of the first (2017) edition of the project.


Giants of Pantelimon is a Make a Point project

The project is financed within the cultural program “Bucharest, participative city” by the Bucharest City Hall, through the Cultural Center of Bucharest ARCUB and co-financed by the Administration of the National Fund for Culture (AFCN).

Partners: Red BullHavana ClubAqua Carpatica, Italian Institute of CultureFrench InstituteDanish Arts Foundation, Frufru, Pegas BicyclesHotel Est

Mobility partner: Uber

Media partners: Radio GuerrillaScena9ViceIglooIQadsnoizz.ro, Festivalier
(list in course of being updated)