Melting Point <> Time & Numbers

Artists Martin Klein (SE) and Aaliyah Navras (PL)

Period:  4-7 March, 18:30 – 20:30h,

The CAN & Make a Point have prepared 2 exhibitions

“Time & Numbers is a story about that generation and its vain attempts of dominance over nature and time. It’s a  story about people who are not truly honest with themselves and they want to take over another identity, but at the same time they’ve stuck with their very primitive often hybrid forms. Hybrids which are living in a violent and aggressive world.” Aaliyah Navras

“I am interested in the interplay between images and the collages that are made by two images that are joined together. I’m looking for a sense of incalculability and a meeting between elements that at first glance do not belong together. What I mainly want to find in the photocollages is an atmosphere that reinforces a feeling of insecurity, that under the rationally structured world there is something that we have not mastered, something which is beyond  our control.”  Martin Klein

The works are exhibited for the first time in Romania.

The CAN (The Collective Art Neighbourhood) is an independent project that sets its focus on contemporary artistic practices, reuniting two complementary approaches, The CAN: InResidence and The CAN: OpenHouse.

Anna Pelc, is polish visual artist based in Cracow, creating under the name Aaliyah Navras. My work tends to focus on environment, emotional evolution of modern man and his coexistence with nature. Truly inspirational for my works are tribes and correlation between I am researching human emotions, the idea of hiding true names and faces, putting on layers and masks which I am always trying to explore in my works. Through my works I am telling the stories about old souls.

Time & Numbers

During the one month residency at The Can, the artist has started her work on a project called Time & Numbers.

Subject of that research is defining figure and showing its effects  on a single individual and society, limited by time and surrounded by the financial. High Technology Era has completely changed the way we interact with other human beings, and has bread a more narcissistic generation. We are losing our primal human values search of success and this transformed idea of happiness. We are misunderstanding idea of time. We don’t own it but still, we are trying to measure it, fight it, name Time & Numbers is a story about that generation and its vain attempts of dominance over nature and time. It’s a  story about people who are not truly honest with themselves and they want to take over another identity, but at the same time they’ve stuck with their very primitive often hybrid forms. Hybrids which are living in a violent and aggressive world.

Time & Numbers is a journey about seeking acceptance and questioning the  world as it is, through shapes and colors and chaos. It is about wishful thinking within the sight of improvement and balance between technology and humanity. between the true self and the social self.

I’m a visual artist with a background in graphic design. My work tends to focus on environment, emotional evolution of modern man and his coexistence with nature. Truly inspirational for my works are tribes and correlation between ancient humans and nature. I am researching human emotions, the idea of hiding true names and faces, putting on layers and masks which I am always trying to explore in my works. Through my works I am telling the stories about old souls.

Martin Klein was born in 1983 and he grew up in Lund, Sweden. Now he is currently living and working in the countryside in the southeast of Sweden. He’s been studying at Ölands art school, Brunnsviks interdisciplinary art school.

Melting Points

The photographic work that he will show at is from a project called Melting points. The photographs have been taken over a longer period of time and are not chronologically or geographically limited. All of the pictures in the series consist of two photographs that have been put together into a collage. By combining the two pictures together he creates an interaction between small details that together tell a larger story.