Layla and Majnoun - Islamic Ceramics

Layla and Majnoun

Islamic Ceramics

Opening: 9th of November, 18:00 – 22:00
Venue: Make a Point Cultural Center
9-15 November 2018

Layla and Majnun is a classical love story from pre-islamic Arabia. So strong, that it became universal.

All the the Arab-islamic cultures adore it, all Turkic peoples adore the two heroes, and the greatest poets of Persia imagined glorious poems about it. From Magreb in Hindustan and from Central Asia to the Arabic Peninsula – Leyla and Majnun is the story which enchants and saddens with its beauty and melancholy.

Literature, music, film, theater, dance, opera, drawing, painting, ceramics – the story was expressed in all art forms.

The current exhibition is one stage in a years-long process, at the end of which a film based on Layla and Majnun will be also produced: an animation feature, visually built up on references of Persian ceramics, from Safavid and Qajar eras.