IMPRO la Make a Point

Impro Comes to the Neighbourhood

!MPRO brings to Pantelimon a show created by actors on the spot, starting from the public’s suggestions and input.

Awaiting Street Art Days in Pantelimon (13-15 of October), inspired by the stories of the inhabitants, the !MPRO actors will let themselves be activated by your own neighborrhod stories, by the places dear to you and your memories. Are you with us?

SUNDAY 17th of September at 19:00 sharp the !MPROactors will perform at Make a Point.

The 5h edition of the National Festival of Imporvisation has as a topic The Story. !MPROis organised by Tam-Tam and financed by the Bucharest city hall through ARCUB, and part of the cultural program “Bucharest – Participative City”.