Category: Art Tower

  • Watch Tower

    Watch Tower

    prep. drd. arh. Dragoș Mihai Dordea U.A.U.I.M. students, Departamentul Sinteza Proiectării de Arhitectură The exhibition introduced the general public and other students or architects to the projects realized for the 53A: stone, brick, wood observation towers workshop. It consisted of scaled mock-ups and presentation boards of each project. Students drew lots for the generic material and then…

  • Water Tower Art Gallery

    Water Tower Art Gallery

    By their nature, water towers are obsolete, they belong to other times, of rapid industrialization. Today they are abandoned, sometimes useful for animals as shelter in bad weather, or as hiding places for lovers, like the bunkers in Albania. They become uncomfortable for new entrepreneurial plans, and are detonated more recently, sometimes very clumsy and…

  • The Art Tower

    The Art Tower

    The Water Tower of Pantelimon becomes The Art Tower Aug – Dec 2012 Sos. Morarilor nr. 1 Monday, the 20th of August 2012, Make a Point launched the Art Tower project. The water tower of the industrial site „Postavaria Romana”, situated on the same premises as Make a Point, will be transformed from an old…