Caligrafie - Carmen Nistor

Calligraphy Workshop with Carmen Nistor

The Calligraphy workshop is designed for and dedicated to adults from 18 years old to 100+, aiming to learn new techniques and writing styles combined with creative exercises.

Throughout these exciting hands-on activities, students will go through a great creative learning curve, starting from as basic as building calligraphy tools from scratch (using basic elements), simple textures and patterns all the way to creating their own texts, illuminated manuscripts, birthday cards, bookmarks and other finished products using letters and illustration.

Ability to write in Foundational and Uncial Text and experimenting with illuminating and embellishing styles will also be taught.

All this will result in your own portfolio of calligraphic works which will include DIY cards, monograms, bookmarks, embellished letters and much more.

Learning Objectives:
  • properly use inks and other lettering mediums together with writing instruments
  • create your own tools (self-made nibs etc…)
  • develop aesthetic perception, improve composition techniques
  • develop the ability of creating graphical representations of the word image, experiment with several text decorations
  • learn how to write in Foundational and Uncial scripts and illuminating styles
  • create your own calligraphic portfolio of finished artworks for special occasions

During the working sessions you will be directly guided by Carmen Nistor, PhD in visual arts. Carmen is graphic artist, with extended calligraphy tutoring experience in Malta and Romania, and starting tutoring in Germany in autumn 2018.

The workshop takes place during weekends, 16/17th and 23/24th of June, starting 10:00 AM, at Make a Point in Pantelimon. One session has 4 hours of guided practice. The workshop can be held either in/on Romanian and English. The students will receive a basic tools calligraphy toolkit provided by our sponsor Mustash.
You will be recommended additional materials and tools that you have to provide yourselves. If you already have your own calligraphy tools, please bring them and you will be guided to use only those suitable for the current workshop.

Workshop price: 450 RON.

Payment by bank transfer to SC. Eliptik Company SRL: IBAN ROXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Description of payment: “curs caligrafie iunie 2018”

Please confirm the payment with the tutor Carmen Nistor on her personal page or by phone at: +40XXXXXXXXX